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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Zhang Hui Mei (A-Mei) - Zhen Shi (Real)
你說的話 ni shuo de hua The things you’ve said, 在我心中生了根 zai wo xin zhong sheng le gen had plant it’s roots in my heart. 愛得很深 ai de hen shen (I) loved you so deep, 所以心會疼 suo yi xin hui teng that’s why (my) would hurt. 記憶 在我的心中翻滾 ji yi zai wo de xin zhong fan gun The memories are rolling in my heart. 是不是每一個人 shi bu shi mei yi ge ren Is it right that everyone 都像我一樣笨 dou xiang wo yi yang ben is as stupid as me. 只怕再問 zhi pa zai wen (I’m) scared to ask again. 對彼此都太殘忍 dui bi ci dou tai can ren It’s too harsh on the both of us. 我能感覺 wo neng gan jue I can feel 另外一個人 ling wai yi ge ren another person. 我等 等笑容換成淚痕 wo deng deng xiao rong huan cheng lei hen I’m waiting for the smiles to become tears. 愛在崩潰的時候 ai zai beng kui de shi hou When love is in the mist of collapsing, 比較真 bi jiao zhen it’s more real. 太多疑問 tai duo yi wen (There are) too much questions. 知道答案又如何 zhi dao da an you ru he (I) know what’s the answer going to be. 原來容忍不需要天份 yuan lai yong ren bu xu yao tian fen Actually tolerating doesn’t need talent. 只要愛錯一個人 zhi yao ai cuo yi ge ren Just need to love the wrong person. 心痛比快樂更真實 xin tong bi kuai le geng zhen shi Heartache is more real then happiness. 愛為何這樣的諷刺 ai wei he zhe yang de feng ci Why does love (have) this kind satire. 我忘了這是第幾次 wo wang le zhe shi di ji ci I’ve forgotten how many times 一見你就無法堅持 yi jian ni jiu wu fa jian chi I’ve been unable to keep it together when I see you. 孤獨比擁抱更真實 gu du bi yong bao geng zhen shi Loneliness is more real then an embrace. 愛讓人失去了理智 ai rang ren shi qu le li zhi Love makes people lose (their) rationality. 會不會是我太自私 hui bu hui shi wo tai zi si Am I being too selfish for 拒絕更寂寞的日子 ju jue geng ji mo de ri zi rejecting more lonelier days. 放不開 fang bu kai (I) cannot let go 也看不見未來 ye kan bu jian wei lai nor see (my) future. 難道這種不完美 nan dao zhe zhong bu wan mei Could it be that this imperfectness 才是愛情真實的樣子 cai shi ai qing zhen shi de yang zi is what love really is. 太多疑問 tai duo yi wen (There are) too much questions. 知道答案又如何 zhi dao da an you ru he (I) know what’s the answer going to be. 原來容忍不需要天份 yuan lai yong ren bu xu yao tian fen Actually tolerating doesn’t need talent. 只要愛錯一個人 zhi yao ai cuo yi ge ren Just need to love the wrong person. 心痛比快樂更真實 xin tong bi kuai le geng zhen shi Heartache is more real then happiness. 愛為何這樣的諷刺 ai wei he zhe yang de feng ci Why does love (have) this kind satire. 我忘了這是第幾次 wo wang le zhe shi di ji ci I’ve forgotten how many times 一見你就無法堅持 yi jian ni jiu wu fa jian chi I’ve been unable to keep it together when I see you. 孤獨比擁抱更真實 gu du bi yong bao geng zhen shi Loneliness is more real then an embrace. 愛讓人失去了理智 ai rang ren shi qu le li zhi Love makes people lose (their) rationality. 會不會是我太自私 hui bu hui shi wo tai zi si Am I being too selfish for 拒絕更寂寞的日子 ju jue geng ji mo de ri zi rejecting more lonelier days. 孤獨比擁抱更真實 gu du bi yong bao geng zhen shi Loneliness is more real then an embrace. 愛讓人失去了理智 ai rang ren shi qu le li zhi Love makes people lose (their) rationality. 會不會是我太自私 hui bu hui shi wo tai zi si Am I being too selfish for 拒絕更寂寞的日子 ju jue geng ji mo de ri zi rejecting more lonelier days. 放不開 fang bu kai (I) cannot let go 也看不見未來 ye kan bu jian wei lai nor see (my) future. 難道這種不完美 nan dao zhe zhong bu wan mei Could it be that this imperfectness 才是愛情真實的樣子 cai shi ai qing zhen shi de yang zi is what love really is really love this song lahhs ! :o |