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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sorry for those boring posts nowadays ):
no pictures making my blog look dead . my photos folder are in the other cpu , which im lazy to transfer them over . thumbdrive (size 2gb) is too small to fit all my photos in ;x gonna download back wolfteam and play with those idiots (: i think my rank is gonna up soon . gotta brush up my sniper skills ! ): 私は起こっている再び傷つくする気持ちを、他人の無邪気な心だ。 seriously im shock when i know that , but actually this is somehow predicted . i really got no idea what else i can do . nowadays i really got no time to care for other stuffs , i just wanna my skin to be clean and nice ;x been spending hundred over dollars for the past few days , just for my skincare products , haha ! today was like asking those people around me , 'hey ! do my skin look fairer ? ' 'is my blackhead getting lesser ? ' 'are my darkcircles lighten ?' 'do my pores look smaller ? ' haha , and they're like.. ' where got so fast take effect de ? ' ohyea , i found out something , after staring at the mirror for minutes ! i got eye bag on left eye , but my i got no eye bag on right eye ! loll ? weird har ! i think i forgot to put my eye gel on my left eye ! haha anyway i've catched shutter island , and i seriously catch no ball whats the movie about ! ~.~ im so confused , and i still don't know whats going when the movie ends ._. anyway that movie is kinda naggy ! kept talking and talking , someone fell asleep and snores loudly ! btw my sister is having high fever ): its her turn ! she spread her fever to me , and i spread back to her ;x haha hopefully she won't spread back to me ._. my exams are coming ! share with you something funny , my mother was playing online poker , and there's a young man beside asked her this , 'hey babe ! do you mind making friend with me ? ' i can't stop laughing at her when i saw that !!! she even laught at herself ! haha . my dad was kinda jealous ;x even though he denied . (i can tell ! ) im craving for alot alot of food ! mc breakfast - sausage mc muffin ! burger king - double turkey bacon ! sakae sushi - salmon sushi ! carls junior - onion ring ! secret recipe - cheese cake ! ben and jerry - strawberry cheesecake ! bakerzin - macaroons ! and many many more T_T ! i want them all ! but im too broke now . and im going on a 2weeks diet to save up money for my new pair of school shoes :D so please don't ask me out or trying to tempt me with something ! thank you for your co-operation (: gotta hand in 5boards of artwork tomorrow , and all my art pieces total up can barely fill up 2boards only ._. ms ng gonna mark all our works by tomorrow , and congrats , im failing ._. there's geog test tomorrow , gonna do last minute study (: wish me luck ! sayoooo ! ^-^ ;; i've used to it (: thanks for treating me for granted .
Friday, April 23, 2010
I'm gonna dote myself more from today onwards !
not gonna treat anyone good anymore ): sigh , my mood seriously bad nowadays , ._. i got too much things to say , let's just buried them under my pillow . no mood to blog , as you can see all my recent post are super short . ;; I hope that i could fell sick again , at least you'd care for me .
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
goodnews peep ! :D
im slowly recovering ! (: because i've mastered the skill of swallowing pills ! wahaha ! i've break my own 16years record :P of swallowing over 20pills in 3days ._.
Heyy , im currently blogging with a very weak body of mine ):
im still having high-fever (3days already!) and a weak gastric x.x D: i feel like vomiting but idk why i just cant vomit out ! gahs ! this feeling is so irritating ._. my fever keep come and go D: don't know what's the problem , i miss school ! i wanna go back to school asap ): alrights peepoh , im gonna rest now , tml got napfa 2.4km run D: i hope im strong enough to complete it :D ! ;; Shoo fever shoo ! ):
Sunday, April 18, 2010
SOLD OUTTTT !! suppose to go to the universal studio yesterday ._. but all tickets are sold out !! zzzzzzz so pissed ): my mood is totally down . headed for 4D magix at imbiah lookout instead , catched pirates and log ride , great show . although we cant take the real ride , we take the simulator ! hahaha . off to sky ride and the luge ride ! we have to wear this stupid helmet :P which makes me look like super mario ! haha it was super fun ! i swear , although this is not the first time i tried it , slide down the first track and we reached siloso beach , gosh ! this look scary isnt it ?! alrights , head back to vivo for dinner , gahs , we're sitting at the first row ! cried , because of alot of very very sad scene T__T after movie , those guys keep laughing at me ): headed home after that (: ;; I'm starting to doubt myself .
Friday, April 16, 2010
Didnt went school yesterday ,
gahs ! regretted ): there's no art ytd ! i heard that miss ng was not feeling well . )))): i wan my bio lesson ! they were playing taboo ~ which i wants to play alot alot . and mdm fazleen show them a video on male's sexual reproduction system . where those repro parts are being dissect . gosh , i could imagine how disgusting it is ._. anyway , ytd was weiming's birthday :D him , boonyong and darren came to find me and off we brunched at cp . later , prissy joined us (: and we cabbed down to amk for kbox session ! ^-^ darren was like shouting and screaming onto the mic ;x soon , jas.c came to find us . heh , her singing is so nice la . happy moments passed quickly , and its already 7.30pm ): met jody , her bf darren , keeyi and rongkiat(?) at pizza hut . hahaha , cant stop laughing :P ! blowed cake after our meal , boonyong said if the cake is not finish , he will throw the remaining on his face , hahaha ! but he's lucky we helped him to clear . bus-ed home after dinner . heh , i've enjoyed myself despite the fact that im having my bad cramps ): Today is suchha horrible day ._. my mood is seriously bad , i swear . stupid mr chan , he just gave me 2maths paper during recess and he expect me to complete it by today . super irritated by mrs lee also ._. have chinese mock exam immediately after school , i was late ._. went to the wrong classroom , stupid die me . gahs , totally no mood to do my paper . anyhow scribble and handed in . stayed back alone after that and quickly finished the paper . left a few questions blank , i seriously don't know how to do . approached mr chan , handed in both paper , looking his #%^@* face turns me off . headed home by lrt , almost cried out in class today , don't ask me why . hate this feeling ._. yays :D im going to the universal studio tomorrow , hope it wouldnt rain ! ): ;; I'm not ready yet , so please don't ask me that soon .
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today is suchha hor-li-ji-ble day ): having serious tummy cramps for the whole day . sigh ~~~ school as per normal , gahs , i feel like making sushi , somebody teach me please ! T_T okay , ending here , no mood to blog ): ;; You're so sweeeeet ! :D
Monday, April 12, 2010
Hey guys ! :D i've spent my weekends with wonderful people . im out for a movie with boonyong , weiming , pris , darren and jas.c on the saturday . catched clash of the titans at plaza . Great movie ! (: love it alot , especially when they're at the desert fighting with the sandkings and at the Medusa's cave . im sure it will be nicer if we've watched the 3D one . Catched another movie with kuanyi and dickson on sunday , Ju-on , white ghost and black ghost , whatta sucky its not scary at all , however , its like a comedy to me . Frankly speaking , im a scaredy cat , and im saying a horror movie is not horror at all , so now can u imagine how failure is that movie ? ;x anyway , my blister had healed , and i feel weird stepping on the ground with my new skin ): gahs , i gotta save up soon , i have lotsa things on mind to buy T__T money ! drop on me please ! D: By the way , the math test today is easier than i expected ! Poor me studied so hard on those formulae , trying to squeeze everything into my mind , in the end i use none of them . gahs ._. i made alot of careless mistakes ): *slapp* there goes my marks ! D: ;; Practice as if you're the worst and perform as if you're the best .
Saturday, April 10, 2010
my blister is healing ! ;o the outer skin had harden . Yesterday's Sports Carnival was totally ruined by the wet weather ): Our team prepared so much just for this carnival , i even got a huge blister D: and in the end the bball competition was cancelled . #@%@#%^ then all of us was trapped in the stuffy hall for 4 hours ! watching movie and having a cycling competition within the whole school . Each alphabet class have to sent 2-3 representives up on stage . eg , sec 1A , 2A , 3A , 4A and 5A , each send 2 up to represent the A class . Miss chitra called me up ! D: so no choice , i couldnt escape either , went up on stage with shafiel and junyong . heh , i was so nervous ! anyway its super tiring , i've cycle with all my strength ! and of course , not forgetting to pose to the photographer ;x HAHA ! -blush- after the 'carnival' , went to play bball with the girls , since we cant play in the carnival , we play outside ! haha ! had lotsa fun of course , but everyone was worn out , especially me ): my blister is killing me ~ went compass with girlf , then find ky , ben , dickson and yongsin to slack . girlf and yongsin head back home first . continue to slack with ben , dick and ky . had HTHT session , decided to chat at benny's house instead , so we headed there . chat with those guys until 12am++ , bid goodbye to them and home sweet home :D ;; Finding a person is hard .
Thursday, April 8, 2010
hello readers ): im blogging right now with a huge huge blister on my toe T_T (it still hurts alot now) today school was... @#%#$ got bullied by those irritating people during chem class ): haha , but was enjoying with my thumbprint game though . totally no mood to study today x.x idk why too , maybe its because of the weather D: after school stayed back to play basketball . tomorrow is our inter-class competition already ! everyone is trainin hard , i kept running here and there , trying to defend well . and suddenly i found out that my feet hurts x.x so i took out my shoes and i realised that there's a huge blister ! D; (sigh , how am i going to participate the competition tomorrow ? ) but i continue to play bball , and badminton with benny . gahs , my blister hurts alot alot alot ! ;; i have 15 mosquitoe bites D;
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My sweetest girls ♥ Hello peepoh ! i had my Social studies standardised test yesterday , and it was totally screwed up ! they asked me about this topic , and i answered a different topic and the answers got no link at all ! this is what happen when you don't have enough sleep x; what causes it ? warcraft . went to play basketball with girlf and junting after art class , haha it has been quite a long time since i play with them ! after i left the basketball team last year i guess ? ): anyway i didnt know my skills didnt went rusty , heh , its a good thing isnt it ? Today school was fine (: had 2hours of sleep during poa lesson . exhausted slept late last night due to warcraft (again) . recess had 'picnic' with the clique :D today is libin's turn to prepare food for us , and it was yummeh ^-^ ! i hope that when it's my turn to cook , they won't run away :P sorry christine , i couldnt make it to accompany you today D: today is my important day ♥ . i thought i could find you in the evening , but u didnt reply . (anyway im on the phone with her currently .) Just went out with boonyong , weiming and his girlf . played cards at the void deck near rp . got owned by them D: wookay , im gonna console my girl now ♥ bye ! :D ;; Zz , why jerk loves to make so much excuses ?!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Wilson ! :D happy birthday ! sorry guys for not updating D: im busy + enjoying my weekends (: today is the im heading to my granny's place later ! anyway , yesterday was audrey's wedding , i didnt expect her to be the first to get married among the four ! haha , well , best wishes to her ! ^-^ the dinner was great , but it got delayed due to those late comers >:(( food was great ! haha i think around the fifth or sixth dishes , some of them already gone crazy , cos they drink too much ! and are a little drunk :P im feeling a little dizzy too ;x but this makes the atmosphere greater (: and we(my table) won the 'yum seng competition' . heh , craps . ohya ohya ! i didnt catch the bouquet that audrey throws ! D: haha , i dowan to get married that early either . nevertheless , congrats to the girl who caught it (: im ready to attend your next coming wedding ! hahahaha btw , i took neoprints with christine and kimberly , if i have the chance i'd post those pictures on blog and share with all of you ! :D but those pictures were in christine phone , and she couldnt manage to send it to us ._. gahhs ! ;; Anyone have printer ? D: i need help on printing my research for my art coursework .
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April's Fool Day ! :D
didnt post for the past 2days , haha , sorry uhs :P shall tell you what happen . Tuesday : Went shopping spree with girlf @ bugis :D finally bought those stuffs that i craved for long ! heh , bought new bagpack , really really pink , bright pink :P i don't really like the material though ._. bought shirt , shorts , dress and a jacket for myself too (: heh , my closet got new comers already :B took bus 80 and head back home . Wednesday : Guys nowadays are so ai mei ! helped eddie , shafiel , kevin , kuanyi and melvin to paint too :D Thursday (today) : today is another typical school day , or maybe we're all getting more mature , slept 12hours yesterday ! from 6pm till 6am ! anyway , tomorrow is good friday ! ;; Pringles are addictive ! >:(( |