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November 2008
December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 Bituwin -
template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Great and sweet mv ! :D Went dating with Girlf today ! :D Because we walk Dhoby to summerset to orchard ! heh , Finally settle down at a dessert store to give our poor feet a rest (: Trained to Plaza sing for jubeat :D Quickly headed home after that ,
Bii made this for me , nice right ? (: don't be jealous . Yesterday went out with kev , ky , dk , ben and lc :D met them at 5 ._. cos they went suntanning before that , and i couldnt make it . Well , met them at AMK hub , sat infront of the Gashapon for like 30mins ._. ? Ky was so tempted by that pikachuu watch , Lol , in the end he get some kuku pokemon . haha Finally decided to catch Legion at 7.05 . You know what ? I can buy Nc16 movie tickets ! Heh , i look mature ;x Benny and dingkiong was like , "aiya you small girl , cannot buy de la ! So short ! '' And i prove them wrong :D Had dinner , then off to the theatre :D Woahs , that movie sound effect is so scary ._. the granny is so scray ;o the icecream man is so scary ! the boomer (ky) is so scary ! the zombies are so scary D: ! Everything in the movie is scary ! Its like a L4D movie ! haha The story line is stupid , but the boomboom part was nice . Headed home after that :D Everyone was like a frozen tuna ! haha ;; I was so shock when you told me that .
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sorry readers ! ):
Didnt update my blog for so long ! I was sick (again) , didnt attend school for the past few days uh ._. Luckily im still catching up with the class :D Gotta end here first , updating tomorrow about today's event :D Cya ! ;; I can see your effort (:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Where are you looking , Jasmine ? Argh ! No one love flu , so am i ! ._. I'm having suchha hor-li-ji-ble flu right now !! Rawrr , my nose are dropping , my throat is dying x.x Been sneezing the whole day today , im spreading my germs ! :D Maths test today was... -sigh- Made lotsa mistakes D: byebye marks ! Poa lesson was , ahhh ! Got bully ._. They're buang-cist ! Keep buang me here and there , haha . We were discussing on which movie to watch next ._. then alot of nc16 were sexual preference ! tsk tsk dk ah ;x haha ! So long didnt meet up with bii alr , Sigh , miss him D: ;; Why can't things be easier ?
Monday, January 25, 2010
![]() I look in pain ! YES ! THEY BULLY ME ! all eat without me D: and im clearing the left overs T^T Heh , i was thinking that i've not been blogging much lately . Same goes to this post , haha , cos im just posting to kill the deadness ;x went for dk and lynn's belated birthday celebration with clique on saturday . Miss Lim treated all of us dinner :D and she was complainin that no one clear the prawns , haha . Off to lan for L4D2 session , wtf ._. all gang me luhs ! be it infected or humans !! D: HAHA PKY , I OWN YOU . School was fun with manting today ! cant stop laughing and making stories with her [x Funfunfun ! I've changed my desktop screen ._. So not used to it luhs ! my eyes are slowly adapting to it right now ;x haha ! Well , Im having my maths test tomorrow , wish me luck ! :D ;; im going insane ! i mean it !
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Baby , happy 3rd month ! ♥
Although 3 months isnt long , but we have gone through alot of things together . I relish those moments with you . Thanks for those happy memories you gave me , and thanks for your tolerance . I may not be a good girlfriend , but you wouldn't mind , Baby , i love you , that's what i know . ♥ Yesterday was our 3rd month celebration , but i was too exhausted . School ended early ytd (: luckily . Quickly rushed home to prepare and dress up :D and off met bii at 4th floor . Catched a movie at cathay , Tooth Fairy , haha , a really great and hilarious movie . Worth the watch ! :D Dreams are important ! Don't break it . (there's an icecream uncle ringing his bell under my block right now ! argh , i was so tempted by him) Had jubeat cum bishi bashi session (: Off to had cheese cake at secret recipe , superd ♥ I relished eating the delicious cake :D but i was too full ._. Went to took neoprints after that :D its a trend ! it is a must to take neoprints on our every month . hoho , i love neoprints ! ♥ ;; Believe in me , believe in yourself .
Monday, January 18, 2010
習慣就好 - 羅志祥 Today is suchha insane day ! ;o Our school changed new Principle this year , mdm ong , lessons today were fun , and enjoyable , i got too much to share today ! End here , ;; If you don't even bother to wait for me , then what for you invite me ?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
look at this ! ._. bii's hair is so long that it can be tied up ;o & he refused to cut slope for me D: Bii's drawing , nice right ? (: Note : This photo is not edited . Imagine how bright it is ._. & my eyebrown look fierce ;o Finally got my pay after taking care of my sister for 2days ._. argh , my weekends are ruin by her ! ): I cant do my things in peace , cant play warcraft is peace either ! D; -sigh- this makes me miss my boyf more and more ! my mind is filled with his smile ~.~ Until i couldnt take it anymore . & meet up with him just now at 7pm (: Bii had his dinner at mac while im doing my homeworks . gosh , i have a pile of homeworks waiting for me to clear them . But i dun know why i just dun have the mood to do ! all i want to do is to stare at him and hug him tightly ;o Bii started to draw the design for our couple-tee (: haha , his drawing is so nice la ! Mine is not bad either alrights ? :P (i guess..) getting more and more bored by doing those idiotic hw . so i started to disturb him ! :D making his hair , asking him stupid questions , take photos , and more ! headed to the near-by playground , chitchat , slack , hugs and kisses :P not forgeting the tic-tac-toe ! hahaha ! bii won me ._. 2-0 . argh ! gotta brush up my skills ! D: time passes really fast ): cant bear to leave him , but , no choice -sigh- reached home & im missing him alr ! ;; I'll cherish the dolphin ♥
Friday, January 15, 2010
![]() Haha , so long didnt upload photo of 2 of us le ;o Today school was super tiring , cos i didnt have enough sleep . argh , i've been so lazy to blog nowadays ._. im going to play warcraft le :D BYE ! ;; Will you be my first one ?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Ahh ! I wanna get this ! Saw this at kiddy palace ;x cant stop screaming at it . haha I had misplaced my waterbottle a few days ago ._. But my beloved mother had just bought me a new one ! :D a really cute one ^^v i take a photo and post it on blog other day alright ? (: Just finished playing warcrafts with eddie , bii , kev , jor , junan , and melvin . Pyramid Escape was great ! Can't stop laughing , haha . Kevin is suchha noob , everyone knows it (: Argh , they're damn irritating , they doesnt want to let me take pink colour , so they're like snatching it away from me ): sigh . Argh , gotta save money soon ._. There's still one full list of items waiting for me to clear them . Wait for me alrights ?! Bii passed his cough and sore throat to me ): argh , my throat is so irritating now , i hate cough , it hurts . ;; There's still lots more to buck up on .
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
![]() This is one of the research for my art course work , argh , gotta finish all up by june ._. not enough time ! ): So , how was your weekend ? Mine was great (: I went to the gym to work out at Yishun Sports Hall during Saturday , together with bii , his elder sis ying , younger sis qin and ying's bf sq . Woke up as early as 7.30am ._. and im totally like a zombie ! Haha , but i was so excited ! This was the first time i went to the gym ;x Time to kill some fats uh ? :P We have to buy tickets before going in , $2.50 for adults (above 18) , and $1.50 for teens (below 18) . Then SQ was very funny , he said , "Auntie , 2Big 3Small " . We all laughed like mad ;x he tot he buying 4D !! Haha . But he meant 2Adults and 3Teens . Bii and qin didnt went in , bii was too tired ._. cos he stayed overnight the day before . and qin is too young . We started off with the cycling thingy ._. gosh , after doing that , our legs are numb ! as if they aint mine ! And did some other stuffys , tried all kinds of machine , fun and tiring of cos :P haha . skipskipskip (: Had monopoly session ! Argh ! i went into the jails 3times in a row ! Suay die me ._. headed home after that :D Sunday was great too , i went to do some homeworks with bii at KFC nearby my house . Haha , i was distracted by him of cos , and i got no heart to do any of them ;x dailed girlf and off we go for jubeat ♥ haha . Well , im gonna end here , Channel 8 hooked my heart , and im gonna concentrate on it now (: cya ! ;; Warcraft is addictive ;o
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Honey Bunny = me , "Princess" = bii . HAHA ! AFRO PRINCESS ♥ chio right ? Didnt attend school today , thanks to those people who helped me to take down notes , and passed me my homeworks :D Woke up at roughly 12pm today ;o prepared and off to aljunied to find bii ♥ bought bubbleteas and up to his house . done some homeworks with his sister's help . but i felt that i cant concentrate doing 'em in the house ._. so i decided to continue them in mac . but bii was crazy over monster hunter ;o and he tempted me la ! make me cant concentrate on my work ): was playing with bii's phone music player , i go make those fastfast song's speed slower . i cant stop laughing ! cos it sound so stupid ;o and those female cutecute voices become very very manly . off back to bii's house as no one is home to tc of his younger sister . started to play wc3 , hero seige was owned by me ♥ . played some other games i didnt tried before , funny and stupid . bused back after that (: ;; i cant wait to go gym tomorrow !
Thursday, January 7, 2010
![]() Jasmine ♥ Qisheng . Didnt went school today ;o Woke up at 2pm . off to amk , that durain pancake is tempting bii so much ! sitsit and we feel that we had not play enuff jubeat , played the new ver. of bishi bashi ,
;; i wanna make you smile till ur cheeks are cramp .
Monday, January 4, 2010
First day of school today !! ah , im still in my holiday mood x.x Almost overslept today ;o Thnks to my sister's body slam , im awake in time . First day of school , and its rainin ._. the sky is crying for us ! Well , our school had changed principle this year , and there's alot of new school rules . Yays ! no more reading period every day (: My class have 7new faces , haha , which makes my class a total of 44 this year . suddenly have 3 civics tutor , and one of our civic tutor is mr wong , dm of sec4s . zz New seating arrangements had made , im sitting with jolynn , right infront ._. Both of the sleepyheads . Hah ;x blablablah.. Skip . After school , bii came to fetch me (: Off to have lunch , then to hougang . First day of school is getting me tired ._. bth , so ran home first ;o Took a 5hours nap ;x Gahs , im gonna rush my homeworks already . Stupid maths ! ;; Love the egg sandwichhhhh ! :D Hoho , finally i got my gloomy bear ! Thank you bii ! ♥ Today is last day of holiday already ): argh , im not ready for school yet ! Went jubeat at iluma with bii today ;o Gosh , my fingernails are chipping off ._. Nvm , gotta cut 'em off anyway . Then head back to bii's house for Element TD & Hero Seige . Omg , i love hero seige ! ♥ So fun uhs ;x I'm having an irritating headache right now ._. Shall rest early (: Sayooo !~ ;; Dogs are so obedient ;o
Sunday, January 3, 2010
This song is sweet , and the mv is great (:
In Your Eyes - Rainie & Show
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy Two-Zero-One-Zero ! :D
Sorry for the blur photo :P Wow ! A year had just passed so quickly ! Did you learn anything from year 2009 ? Or did you experience something new ? I have gone through high and low slopes . Laughters and tears , and im more mature now . (i guess..) haha . Hope that this year would be a reeaaallyyyy great year . Just had my hair cut , gonna have a good start (: Gosh , im going to be 16 in 3months time ! I went to count down with my boyf yesterday :D His sister and his sister's boyf tagged along too . Its a great outing , we went for movie at cineleisure first . Alvin and the chipmunks 2 , those adorable lil' monsters , hah . Then head to Vivo for the count-down party . Human squeeze human , squeeze die human ._. & I'm sweating like one birdy >:( The count-down party sucks ._. the fireworks sucks more . MediaCorp is so stingyyy ! What a tiny winy fireworks from 100000km away ! Argh , should have go for the Marina Bay dance party instead . Chen xi have extra tickets for me ): Nvm ! Head back to find lesbie at sk , and she put our aeroplane . zz Had supper at mac (: Saw lotsa familiar faces , & finally reached home at 4am . Well , then what did you do for the first day of this year ? I had fun with my girlf (: Jubeat session was great , but flooded with people ._. Have to wait super long for our turn . Kinda pissed off =/ Had dinner at secret recipe . Lovelove cheese cake ! :D Haha , gotta be real fat soon . I wanna wanna play Element TD !! >:(( But school gonna reopen soon , Wont have the time to play already . *sigh* Shall stop here (: Enjoy your new year ! ;; Gloomy bear ! Wait me there ! I'll adopt you from that shopkeeper real soon ! (: |