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November 2008
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Arghs D: if you guys are observant , you shld have notice i've become more and more quiet ~.~ idk why too , i got no one to talk to D:
i felt that i cant find anyone to talk to when i want to share something ~.~ well , i dunno why too ? it wasnt like this last time x.x i dun feel good ! not at all D: been craving for chocolates nowadays ~.~ arghhh ! im lacking of cocoa ! *hint* somebody please buy me some chocolates ! ~.~ i found out that i've become more and more hardworking ! :D haha im paying attention in class , comeplete my homeworks , and i keep quiet :D wao , i think my teachers love me now (: im kinda crazy over prince of tennis :X i noe some of you guys have finished the whole ep , and yet im still at the beginning x: last time i tot prince of tennis is just a stupid anime that talks about tennis only . but after i watch the 1st ep , i just cant stop watching ! x: dARLING ~ THANKS FOR THE INTRO (: WOOKAYS , i shall stop here and go watch my prince alr :D SEEYA ! ;; He says everything that i need to hear..
Sunday, July 26, 2009
did anyone miss me ? (: haha . fotos will be upload soon , as all those fotos are in darling's camera :o had lotsa fun in sentosa ! :D how i wish i could just stay dere ~.~ its so relaxing ! we're just playing everyday ! woohooo ~ but of cos its impossible D: alrights , im going to sleep now :D BYE !
Friday, July 24, 2009
What happen to blogger ? LOLLL ! or isit my comp prob ? idk :o the posting is abit outa shape har ? HAHA .
Okays , didnt blog for a few days alr har :X school is really busy x.x lotsa things happen this week D: happy and unhappy things . and im going to throw all the problems away and enjoy myself tml ! :DD and i got a good news to share with all of you (: i got myself a job ! hoorraayy ! BUT , i have to go for typhoid injection D: boooos ! so which means my schedule will be even more pack D: how i wish i can just sleep whole day at home ~.~ how relaxing :x alrights , i just admit im lazy . haha Shall end here :D gotta prepare for tml !!! im soo excited (: for people who are wondering , what's about tml ? what's so special about it ? haha , im going to tell you , tml is our 2nd mth ! (: and we're going sentosa to celebrate , we even booked the resort :D be jealous please !!! and one last thing . SEOUL U BADBAD )): MAN U ROCKS FOREVER ! :D *cheerrs*
Friday, July 17, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() some random fotos we took :X hahas . didnt went sku today D: was having fever and bad fluu -.- feeling so dam horrible cans ? D: like some blurdy bird in the volcano x.x i hate taking medicine ! T^T i have 6diff kinds of tablet waiting for me to swallow them :o i dunno how to swallow pills D: i alr finished a cup of water and the pill is still on my tongue -.- this totally shucks ! DD: ARGH ! I WANNA GET WELL SOON ! T-T ;; being sick is not fun at all !
Sunday, July 12, 2009
![]() ![]() alrights , dun have time to blog ytd , so im going to blog today (: went dating with darling ytd (: and he woke up realreal late . use the comp while waiting and he finally woke up x.x quickly prepare and wait for him to come and fetch me :D and off we go to Jurong Point ! :D went there cos libin said she saw the dress that i want . cab to compass , and lrt to boonlay , it was a verryyyy longggg ridddeeee ~ but whenever im withng darling , time passes real fast (: idk why . finally we've reached (: so excited ! cos we gonna do some shopping today ! (: went to shops by shops , finding the dress that i want , but i cant find ): so decided to go Helen to buy some accessories . Bought 2pair of earrings and 2necklace (: and they are pretty ! ![]() This is one of the earrings that i like alot :x aint they pretty ? haha there're 2parts in jurong point , the new and the old one . so we went to the old part after that , bought Cameron(dunno if i've spelled wrongly) at bakerzin , yummy (: haha , suddenly reminds me of the past , when darling is still not my bf . he bought that for me , and we were playing swing while eating tgt , haha , how sweet ! then we came across to this shop which were selling lotsa hello kitty stuffs . and darling goes "die , this is your palace.." , hahaha ! and of cos , we went in ! :D and i bought this amazing water bottle , that have fountain in the middle part , and 3diff kind of lights sparkling on the top . im going to bring this on monday ! :D everyone , please be jealous . ![]() seeee ! its nice right ? :DD off to Ajisen for dinner (: time passes really really fast , darling ordered beef ramen , and volcano sauce , you cant imgine how spicy it was . and i ordered okos ! :D oishi :D but darling's ramen served first ! D: unfairrrr ): mine is still nowhere to be seen :x so kept waiting and waiting , while biting on the side dishes :x finally its my turn ! and darling alr finished his ramen -.- that was really fast . after dinner , and we're late for movie @ cineleisure . it was alr 7.20 ! and our movie is at 7.40 ! so we cabb there . and i found out something , there are alot of bicycles at JP , and i own them allll ! :D finally in the cab and we're were like keep rushing , haha , and i keep asking for the time :x and yays ! we're late for 10mins >:( quickly collect our tickets at the counter and off to theatre 3 (: ohya , we're watching The Haunting , and its great . not gonna tell you the story (: u watch urself . ITS REALLY NICE , I SWEAR . After movie , some unhappy things happened , and i dowan to mention .
;; im really sorryy ):
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Been sleeping early(11pm~12pm) everynight for the past few days (:
thats a goodgood improve !! :D right ? never really sleep in class alr [x hahas , now i suddenly feel that lessons are fun :x during english lesson , everyone is sabotaging each other ! LOLL ! ESP THAT WEIMIN )): cant really sms in sku alr x.x almost all the lessons have 2teachers ! stupid DD: why so many trainees ? ~.~ ytd is another regular day , nothing much happen hahas . Been chionging my "jian bao" whole day , luckily chinese is the last period . haha and of cos , i handed in on time ! (: after sku , IDIOT CLOUDYY CRY SO MUCH ! ): its a really really heavyy rainn ! x.x STOP CRYING PLEASE ! walk to compass with junting , shafiel and farris (idk how to spell and idc :X) , off to cold storage and did some shopping for tonights dinner (: head back home after that , while waiting for me , an unknown number sms me , "are u at sengkang lrt ? " , i tot that was junting's fren , cos before that she borrowed my fone to sms her fren . so i said "junting went off alr " him : huh ? what junting went off alr? just now i saw u at sk lrt what ! me : owhs ? him : Lols ? u jasmine rite ? me : err , yahs , who're you ? o.o him : Zzz i stanley la ! rmb at bugis opposite the mos burger there the cheers i help my fren take your number ? me : OOO ! haha , didnt saw uu :x him : haha cant believe to see u in sch uniform me : yucks ! so ugly x.x him : okay what , cute :) [PLEASE TAKE NOTE : he say my uniform is CUTE ] okays , reached home and started to prepare the food (: im just too excited to wait till night . but mum saw the reciept keep @#$$^ , cos she say its very exp compare to NTUC . and she keep complain and complain , i bought a broccoli $3+ , she bought $0.80 -.- and etc etc , i hear le oso shock , haha . this prove that i hardly go to the market with my mum :x Finally done preparing , off to watch boys over flower :X crying and laughing like mad x.x okays , maybe im insane :o suddenly pky called me , and he say he's at the playground below my house with eddie , asked me to slack with them . i said okay , but i watch boys over flower first :x finally finished and off to find them ! :D LOL ! we played heart attack & ITS DAM FUN LA :x childish [x IDIOT EDDIE KEEP WINNING ! ouchiee D: my hand hurts . bid goodbye to them and went back home to prepare , and off to meet darling ! :D IDIOT , when i was crossing the road , the bus that i want to take just went away infront of me , ANGRY DIE ME ! >:( kinda late x.x suppose to reach at 8pm , but i reached at 8.30 i guess :x gave darling the dinnerbox i made for him :X off to bakerzin for dessert and some other snacks , I LOVE NEWYOKE CHEESECAKE ! we ordered this dunno wad thing -.- and the description is "you will get addicted once u tried it" after we had a bite of it , we're like "addticted mae ? " LOLLLS ! LIARR >:(( got this waitress that was serving us , said "hao xin fu orh ! " when she saw us tiantian . LOLL ! she's kinda jealous she said , lalalaa ~ wo hao xin fu orh ! :x head back home after that , aiks , tired tired tired x.x YAYS ! :D IM MEETING MY DEAREST BOYF LATER ! :P ;; Note : he's still under his apple tree .
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
![]() Look delicious ? :D tempting to eat ? HOHOHO ! thats the muffin i made for my boyf ! dun be jealous [x ![]() thats my pretty Lesbieee ! :D lovelove her loads (: finally get this foto from her , and she deleted some away le D: ![]() thats my beloved boyf ! hoho , and we're in our uniform -.- weird har , haha . and my smile is weird ! D: cos of my stupid ulcer x.x haha , finally i can upload foto !! :D happy happy [x there's something wrong with my photobucket ! ): somebody help me pleasee ! x.x ;; Finding part-time jobb ! ):
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mr brown show - Wash your hands too (nobody but you - wonder girls) Damdamdam funnyyy !
BLOGGER DUN LET ME UPLOAD PHOTOS ! )): IT DOESNT APPEAR !!!!! IT SUCKS LOADS !!! T-T Today is school holiday (: as ytd was youth day , but it lies on sunday . going out to meet lesbie and co. later :D so excited ! so long didnt see lesbie alr ! I MISS HER ! Haven complete my holiday assignment yet -.- and the deadline is tomorrow ! goodluck jasmine , goodluck . aiks , sku just reopen , so many homeworks alr x.x makes my head so heavyy D: I HATE ULCER ! YES ! I HATE ULCER ! ESPECIALLY BIG BIG ULCER THAT COMBINES 2 TGT ! UGHHH ! IT HURTS ! AND IT MAKES MY LIPS SWOLLEN LIKE A PIGG ! @#$#&%^& SHUCKS ! ))):
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Omg , i just simply love this song :o keep singing and singing today :x BUT I NOE I DIDNT ! Wo zhi dao ( i know) - by 2 . Anyway , its nice right ? :DDD
;; Shut up & let me go !
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Sku finally reopen ! :D & finally i have income $.$ First day of sku : i dunno why the front gate was close , and we have to go from the back gate , idiot , made me walk extra distance ~ and ! Something very funny happen , all of the teachers wore a mask (like as if they got flu) , and stand at the gate , asking all the students who walk past if they had went overseas . the scence is really dam funny . received new time-table , changed english teacher again . why dowan chg SS teacher ? D: if chg SS teacher , im sure i will pass (hope so) . recess time is another funny scene , we go recess by level , and we have to sit in our own class , so we're like squeeze tgt in a small area -.- omggg . we're like prisoners . x.x Why they just dowan to close down all the skus ? still so mafan need keep take temperature , waste tissues . still say want save the environment -.- 2nd day of sku : PE lesson today , and i didnt bring my PE attire , tot they say they would cancel all the out-door activities ? D: LIARR or rather excuses :x . and we're taking our height and weight -.- wtf cans ?! I'VE SHRINK ! S-H-R-I-N-K , I'VE GROWN S-H-O-R-T-E-R ! x.x WTF ?! ))): I WAS 163.5CM ! I SWEARRR ! T-T but im 161cm now -.- i dun believe im that and i gain 3kg ! -.- fat die meee ! recess like ytd again , queue up for hor fun for like 15mins ? zz so dam long lahs ! D: stupid uncle dowan hire helper -.- GEHKIANG ! ): Clean & Clear feeling rich and gave all of us some sample -.- When Yusri (You strip) distrubuting them , Lichiun & kahyan's reaction is like , "WOAHS !!! FREEE ONE AR ?!?!" *grab grab grab* and they go around to collect the discount coupon inside -.- LOLL ! TYPICAL SINGAPORE AUNTIES :X Worst still , Kahyan still go next class and collect x.x make laopo very angry :x ;; hiring H1N1 people to walk 1round around my sku !!!!~ offering high price ! |