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November 2008
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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Goodbye exams ;
Hello holidays :D ohmyholybunnygod , i went to dig out all my past photos just now , woahhs ! and i realised that i look so toot last time , i really changed alot ~.~ i missed the past ): it was so much fun . hahaas , problem-free (: i remember last time , everyone would find me to share their probs with me , im a good listening ear yahs (: thats why my ears are as long as bunny ; as big as elephant [x i oso digged out some photos of me with my ex ~.~ haha , it was saadd :x only if i cherish them , but its alr over , regret oso too late le . but im happy with what i have now :D and some photos of me taken with friends , hahaha , of cos , they changed alot too ! especially those people who are in same sku as me . they look so diff now ~.~ so mature , especially de guys , so big and tall alr ! waooo x.x Twenty's , i miss you guys loads , hope to meet up soon ): my uncle came to my house just now , and i overheard his conversation with my dad , my cousin(female) , studying in NVSS was kena bullied by 6girls -.- 6 vs 1 -.- and they fight fight fight :o den my cousin use broom , PIU PIU PIU ! defeat them all @_@ that's wad i heard . LOL ! but my cousin's strenght is really strong -.- cos i fight with her before :X ohmyhairr ~.~ hahas , but quite a fun experience . NVSS IS SCARY ! ;; BOOMBOOM POWWW ~
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
![]() okay i hate my smile ~.~ boredom kills ! EXAMS SHUCKS ! ): Gemini world is coming out ! (: and of cos , im going , hahas . went back bootes today and everyone in guild and alliance ask me play back :o all the oldold friends x.x *memories* . hahas , as usual , when i go back cfm will kena shoot dao siao de . esp by sunnie ! ): i dunno if i should go the event with sanshu-ians or delp friends ? x.x and i dunno if i should go bootes or gemini :o i dowan stay in delphi anymore ~.~
Sunday, May 17, 2009
![]() ![]() I wan cook ramen ! )):< Having exams now ~.~ and i dun think i can make it . so im camping at home nowadays chionging my maple , to recharge my braincells [x its just like asking a bunny to eat a dinosaur ~.~ and , DUN THINK U GOT MONEY MEANS YOU'RE VERY BIG . JUST SIMPLY ROLL OUTA MY LIFE ! i am not those girls that goes for $$ . please dun put me with those people . Thankkeu veli machi . x.x ;; a girl with broken heart ..
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() gaaaahs ): i hate exams , but i love exams . LOLL ! cos if got exams , sku can end earlier ! :D DD: stupid maths ~.~ gave me headache . finally paper one is over , but paper two haven ): hope i can pass T__T *pray hard* i need lotsa helps in geog and SS ): anyone can help me ? T__T i need to chiong my art ! D: still got alot of prep work not done yet , and i still not confirm wad theme i wan ~.~ OMG ~ i need pictures x.x i need printer . but i have none ): ;; liar liar pants on fire ! ): Jasmine hate liars .
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Jasmine is a fatbiee ! D:
OMGG , i've gain 4kg after that horrible day )):< diee le ~.~ my face are becoming round (that's wad my fren say) . and i got slight double chin ! Thats wad girlfee said T__T OMGOMGOMG , time to cut down chocolates x.x and some other oishii oily food ~.~ Tomorrow is my first paper ! omg ~.~ Aiks , time passes so fast and my MYE is here alr ! x.x and im not ready yet ! D: hais , i really wish that i can pass 2subjects this time ): then i happy le , at least i improve ! but ~.~ i guess i cmi de lahs T__T JASMINE ! NO MORE ONE DIGIT SCORE ! ):< anyone , those who are having ur exams now , PLEASE GAMBATTE ! :D goodluck (: ;; I shall let the past buried by its past .
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fugly Jasmine ; Fugly hair ! ):<
sad die me sad die me ! T__T my hair so short and ugly noww )): mummy ! DDDD: help mee x.x quite busy with sku works nowadays ~.~ hais , exams are coming ! D: and i haven start revising yet x.x F> study group / partner ! spread pleasee ~ to someone : I HATE ANNOYING PEOPLE , SO STOP BEING SO ANNOYING ! IT IRRITATES ME ! x.x People are leaving my blog without tagging again D: my tagbox is so dead x.x c'mon people , tag people tag people tag tag tag ! :D
Friday, May 1, 2009
Goodbye everyonee ! ):
byebye people D: im going Malaysia - KL from 1st May (friday) till 3rd May (Sunday) , going there for a short break ! [x Hope i can buy alot of things dere , and i'll try to get u guys presents ! :D hoho . dun worry , chewing gums and bubble gums are a sure buy stuffs . everyone will get it (: aiks , before im leaving , my mind are filled with question marks . headaches DD: i really dunno wad to do anymoree x.x i cant follow what my heart is thinking now , i think ... im lost . i dunno who's right and who's wrong , i dunno who to believe , i dowan to trust wrong person anymore , i dunno what to do anymore , things are getting from bad to worse , i really dunno how to handle , i hope i can just put down everything and have a break (have a kitkat) , people around me are stressing me x.x my mood is not really good nowadays , and sorry for some moodswings for a few sec :O i hope that things will be better when im back (: JASMINE ! ENJOY YOURSELF ! :D |