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template Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls. Hit counter code here
Friday, February 27, 2009
![]() ![]() get back our geog test paper today . and i got o.5marks -.- ! at least 2digits hor ! ((: not bad le alrights ? :D geog is so damn confusing laaas ! T__T i dun understand a single thing at all ! )): class is normal today (: its a finally yea ? :P kept wooo yee woo ahh ahh ! in class today ~.~ hor-li-blee ! :o but singing with kuanyi is so funfunfun ! :D walk to compass with huiyeeeeee and eddiee to compass after sku (: as laopo , girlfee and sister got detention :X thanks to mr aric lai . but he said he love my class ! :D cos got me :P bused back home at 1.20pm , wanted to have a good rest today , but girlfee called , say wan meet :X went home to chg bag and shoes , and off to rivervale mall to meet up with girlfeee , laopo and sister ♥ had KFC for lunch , im going to be sick of KFC alr ~.~ everyday KFC , eat till scare manzxzx :X but eating zinger meal is a yesyesyes (: ♥ zinger ! :D bus-ed to tampines with my beloved ones , went there to shopshop and shoppp ! :D walk dao our legs gonna break manzx ! :o girlfeee , im sorry )): i didnt meant to made u cryy x.x i dunno why i keep making u cryy D: i feel so useless being ur girlfee , im your girlfee , yet keep making u sad ): but i really dunno what's wrong with u nowadays ~.~ where's my old girlfee ? ): come back pleaseee ! T___T you've been so cold to mee , and giving me bad attitude x.x sometimes i really cant take it x.x and sayy back youu :o i really , dun mean it dehs , hope this wont affect our r/s . LOVE YOU ALWAYS LAA ! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ and finally reached home at 7pm ((: miracle that i reach home so early todayy [x cos all my beloved ones have to go home earlyy today ): not much fun todayy x.x but still a good outing yea ? (: im sooooo looking forward to the outing tomorrow ! :D 4 more days to my BIG day ! ♥
As promised , these are the portrait drawn by us (:
![]() Artist : KEUKEU ; NEUNEU ; KIMEKOKOKO ! :D ![]() the process of me drawing the portrait of xbb . ![]() the process of lesbiee drawing the portrait of xbb [x
Thursday, February 26, 2009
crazy crazy day todayy ! ♥
Cant stop singing this in class today , Jasmine choco roll ! (london choco roll ) Jasmine strawberry roll ! (london choco roll ) Jasmine toilet roll ! (london choco roll ) etc and etc , and i influence people around me to sing with me . ahahhaas ! maths test today is horrible , stupid toa cah soh ! @#%#$ my mind totally go blank cans ? -.- water war as usual in class again ((: english class today is super . i didnt noe they dislike eh too :P i tot im de only one x.x but now i noe im not ! :D started to "earn moneh" by providing my classmates "da xiao ren" service . LOLL ! and business is quite not bad alrights ? [x heees , playing with phangkuanyi in class is keeuuubilyy fun lahs (: simply love my meimei ♥ bet with him , if i sing that "london choco roll" again , i will dance infront of de whole class , and de class beside us . of cos , i kenot tahan , and i sang a few line . zzz as promised , i went to the toilet , grab lotsa toilet papers :X and started dancing the " jasmine toilet roll's dance" . HOHO , and everyone staring at me , giving me one stupid face . LOLL ! some laughing like a bird :X and those senior walk pass looking at me , as if im an alien T__T cant stop sweatingg -.- and im HOT ! :X played and joke around with everyone in de next door class , cos they got no lesson :X as their teacher was absent . so , me , the so-called "discipline princess" shall take over his place :D and started to take broom and chase after everyone . LOLL ! art is boring as usual , and finally ended sku at 4.30pm ! :D YIPPEES ! lesbiee today suddenly so good , came to fetch me after sku (: off to compasspoint with girlfee too ! ♥ camp at KFC for 2hrs :X and u noe wad are we doing ? we're drawing xbb aka jj , the "chiobu" . and we cant stop laughing :X 2 xmm behind keep looking at us , lesbie , girlfee and i , keep asking them whose art piece is de nicest [x i shall post it up on blog one day . (if lesbie got upload those fotos on blog , cos she's de camera woman.) saw mummy at compass too :X so went back home with her (: off to maple ! ♥ and i found a new gan jiee ! jeanette gan jie ! :D MEIMEI LOVE YOU ALWAYS ! :D and i find that , all my friends are linked tgt de -.- wao , amazing ~.~ 5 more days to my BIG day ! ♥
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
![]() Eridanus and Delphinus is merging today , but lotsa eridians are defying :X i think its a bad idea to merge too ! D: cos im laggin T^T get back my chem and bio paper today :D i got 8/20 for chem , and 8/20 for bio too -.- so total is 16/40 , still fail . T___T i hate science ! D: science is keuuubilyy horrible ! D: that i dun understand anything at all x.x ! water war with kuanyi during chem lesson x.x and we both are so wet ~.~ i pity people sitting around us [x cos they're wet too , ahahahs . but its fun , i admit :X but mr tang got so pissed off with us ~.~ sorry !! *guiltyy* Off to skcc with huiyee and girlfee :D haven even start playing bball , bendan called alr x.x so went to compass to meet him for lunch :D and back to sk to find them to play bball :D suddenly started to rain ahmeow and ahwoofs :o ahsun uncle went to kun alr ~.~ den , ahlei and ahlai started to sing and dance around scaring the innocent humans )): ahhei joined them too ! D: but luckily :D ahsun uncle finally finished his nap and came out to scare ahlei and ahlai away . slowly , ahhei ran off too ! :P went to compass with girlfee for dessert :D and back to keukeu's cave ! [x just went to maple just now :D as i had said earlier on , eri and delphi merged )): but , jasmine is keuubilyy friendly , she noe quite a few friends from delphi :D babes and hunks ! ♥ had a so called "war" with some delphi people over a room , ahahahas , but its not serious one duhh , den i keep saying , "sharing is caring!" i keep repeating and repeating :X LOLL ! suddenly that room flooded with people ~.~ of cos , i cc-ed , and moved house :X not bcos i surrender ! x.x is bcos im laggin D: LOLL ! but i dunno why , i still find that , merging is not a good idea ! T___T aiks , bad gm ! unsuspend me pleaseee ! i dunno how to trust you anymore , even if we're back together again , i guess it wont be de same alr . you've hurt me deeply , but i cant stop here , i must continue to go on , i hope you will stop bothering me , and we shall continue our own life. this might be the best way . 6 more days to my BIG day ! :D
Saturday, February 21, 2009
![]() KRISTAL GIRLFEE ! ♥ HUILING LAOPO ! ♥ JUNTING BAOBEI ! ♥ wo ai ni men 184 ! (: kelian de girlfee hurt her finger today :X and she cant stop cryingg . *sayangg* see le also xintong DD: super lazy to blogg nowadays :X went for training today :D woohoos , and i got 5sons ! all very pro de okays ? :P i tie my hair till crazy manzxzxzx , coach keep dixiao me and mess my hair . T^T gaaaahs ! DD: off to 260 with yuzhen and girlfee :D play till keesiao . LOLL ! and i cant stop laughingg ! keep bullying mee T___T well , guess i must go out and play with girlfee more often le , cos really reallllyyyy funn ! :D OHYA ! BIO AND CHEM PAPER TODAY IS HORRIBLE ! D: and thanks kuanyi for the lil`hello kitty :D that's all for today , byeee-bi ! ♥ 8 more days to my big dayy ! ♥
Out with sisters today ! <3
took alot of photos , but i forgot to ask laopo sent x.x DD: i will upload de fotos asap ! :D bid goodbye to sisters at 6.30 , and off to amk with jiehao to find lesbiee (: quarrel with lesbie -.- and we almost break f/s . of cos we didnt , how would i bear to ? :P but i found out sth fking shock -.- lesbie stead with melford !!!!!!!! zzzzz i feel so shibai being her lesbie x.x i dun even noe anything at all lahs , and they're tgt for dunno how long alr luhs . hais , but i bufangxin lesbie to be with him luhs -.- cos he's a horny bastard . whatever it is , i'll respect her decision baa , i also cant do anything at all :o wish her all the best baaa (: went to the usual place for swing :DD and i found a "boyfriend" , ahahahahas , lesbie should noe (: usual routine , off to mac for double choco (: and after that , we went for ahpiao huntingg ! at de parkk ~.~ SO EEEEERIEEE ! )): den walk to jubileeeeee for arcade . den off back home ! :D kitty says hello :D
Friday, February 20, 2009
![]() suddenly found this picturee :X , its like so long agoo ~.~ shortshort post for todayy (: Thanks laopo for the wonderful day today ! ♥ Thanks girlfee for the mwahahas day today ! ♥ simply love them loads ! (: note to all 3C pupil : our class tee colour will chg to hot pink , white fonts , and we dont have our own name behind the back . changes made due to over budget , (anything find ms lim , dun find me :X ) 12 more days to my big day ! ♥
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cheng Hui Ling laopo ♥ 19o2o9 , i'll oways remember this date (: ily !
sku as usual ((: but , today i went to sku with a super long skirt . thanks to lichiun for sabo-ing me . o: look so fuglyy can ? -.- and so weird :o gaaaaahs ~.~ recess is horrible today ! THANKS TO PHANG KUAN YI , I SPRAIN MY BUTT ! -.- aiks )): so pain luhs x.x and my design for class t-shirt got selected (: HOHOHO ! :D cant wait to get our class tee :P but its dam rush lahs @_@ we nid to rush 40 drawings of de same design , zzz ! cos all different name . aiks x.x but with de help of jolynn , audrey , manting and co . it save alot of works :D its good to have friends :D art finally ended at 4.30pm , another project work :o so rush luhs )): and the time given is so lil . haven finish one project , got another one alr . and still got another big one . D: went to compasspoint with girlfee (: hohohos , all we did is eat , non-stop eating . and its like so keukeuuuulyyyy nice ! :DD heees ! :P bid goodbye to girlfee at 6.30pm and fleww back home ! :D its like so miracle today ? went home so early (: gaaahs , guess i nid a good good rest le x.x been sleeping in class omost every lesson ! jasmine , that's very badd ! D: 13 more days to my BIG DAY ! ♥
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
sorry , im really lazy ~.~ but if u really wanna see photos , go kristal's blog to see (: (girlfee ! see i so nice , hlp u advertise :D ) okays , omost late for sku today , thanks to girlfee :o waited her for 7mins ! @_@ did practical for bio (: and guess what ? i caught a spider !!!!!!!!! and put it into a test tube :X and thanks de benny , its dead x.x cause he went to boil it @_@ so cruel )): arghhhs ! *praaayyy* hope it wont transform to ahpiao and haunt me ~.~ lessons are all so dam fun today , not because of teacher , but phang kuan yi . OHYA ! KUANYI IS BOTAK NOWW ! AND HE LOOK LIKE CRAYON SHIN CHAN ! @_@ Okays , outa topic :X but we're really crazy in class today manzxzx . at first , we act act dowan to talk to each other , like enemy lidat . den we use write de lai communicate :X LOLL ! kuanyi , " see what see? " jasmine , " kenot ar ? " kuanyi , " go pangsai lah ! " jasmine , " dowan lehs . " jasmine , " stupid botak man ! " kuanyi , " stupid lion head ! " etc and etc :X after that is .... water war ! ~.~ omgg , that was like so fking fun lahs :X and he's so dumb till he splash de water on himself ! HAHAHAHAH ! okays , im badd :X those ppl in class shld noe how chaotic it is :P took back my maths ST paper x.x and i got 10/30 ! :D AT LEAST 2DIGITS NUMBER HOR ! (: i improved 1 mark ! [x hohohos ! not bad jasmine ! keep it up ! :D JIAYOUS ! skipskipskip ~~ ~~ ~ went hougang mall with huiling , junting and girlfee (: well , and this pms guy . i find he got mental prob luhs -.- dotdot , shldnt mention it anymore :X spoil my bunny mood D: went to de playground me and girlfee used to go , [x and laughters of ours are flying around ~.~ u can hear us anywhere ! :P skipskipskip . bused home at 8pm+ , finally took my bus , :D and i fell asleep @_@ i was really really dam tired lahs ): battery flat le ! T___T whn i was awake , i found that im lost !!!!! x.x and i dunno where on keukeuland am i )): any superman up dere to rescue me ? D: quickly alight and i tried to find my way home :o but all i noe is , im at punggol x.x and finally , after 48mins of walk , i reached home safetly . how i wish i can flyy at that moment lahhs T__T or even teleport like how i used to in maple ): gaaaaaahhhsss ! ~.~ i swear , i will never fall asleep in bus anymore ! ))):
Monday, February 16, 2009
![]() look at my "out-standing" table [x ![]() nice right ? :P ![]() I LOVE HELLO KITTY ! ♥ chio buuuu ! (: done by : Me , kristal , libin ! :D ![]() fireeee ? @__@ Today got PE ! ~.~ aiks , but volley-ball is so funn ! (: but pity my hands please ! D: i think got bruise alr luhs x.x awwwww ! T__T after recess , all the girls kena stayed back . cos we got girls' talk . well , all about some rubbish talks -.- but ms cheng's actions are all so funny :P hohohos . of cos , i doze off ~.~ Art for today )): but time passes really fun in art class @_@ me , kristal , and libin started to doodle , and tadaaa ! chiooobuuuu ! (: off to hougang mall with girlfee :D i find myself very pro lehs , i lost my wallet , still can anyhow runn @_@ but i ximtia my $$$ )): went to shop around and play around (: saw this guy , and u noe what ? HIS HAIR IS FKING LONG , AND HE REBORN IT , AND HE KEEP SWINGING HIS HAIR , TOT HE VERY SHUAI . ~.~ and i feel so disgusted :o had kfc for lunch (: ARGHHH ! SO SHUANG @_@ so long didnt eat zinger le :X i lovelovelovelovelove zinger lahs ((: went to the playground for some entertainment :X kns , we're like screaming like hell @_@ and i feel so xiasuay :P and i saw this shop's background , and i asked girlfee , "girlfee girlfee , is that cotton..?" girlfee took a deeper look and.. "NO ! ITS FIREEE! " OMGOMGOMG ! FIREEEE ! ~.~ and im like so excited @_@ so we went to kaypohhhh . :P HOHOHOs , and finally bid goodbye to girlfee and HOME SWEET HOME ! :D guess my mood is getting back normal le baa ? :P may every goes well baa . ![]() MY ACC KENA SUSPENDED -.- ! Today is my lunar birthday ! :DD yaaays ! [x im 16 alr :X BLEAHHS :P aiks , super bad mood todayy -.- shall not mention :X kinda fierce in morning yea ? :X i guess everyone is shocked ~.~ Mr suaini is leavin us ! :o and he gonna teach sec 4 classes ~.~ omg , pity them :o *pray hard* hope they wont fail x.x and there will be a teacher taking over mr.suaini , that will be..... MR LAI ! :o not mr benny lai :X is mr aric lai :D but , if u listen to how mr aric lai speaks , u cfm will laugh like one hell :o cos he sound like donald duck !!! okays , skipskipskip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Today got basketball trainin ! D: so dam tired lahs ~.~ ! and all the sec ones are kinda cute [x but de sec one boys are kinda scare of me yea ? :X cos , i "finally" came trainin , and my coach said to them , "this is jasmine , she got alot of boyfriends (thats not true) , who wan to be her boyfriend?" then all smile smile dun dare look at me :o OMGG . my xing xiang to de sec ones kena ruin alr ~.~ SOBBBS ! T-T trainin is kinda tough at de beginning D: and suddenly... *BROMMMM!* raining ! ~.~ aiks . i bring umbrella , no rain , i never bring umbrella , rain ! T___T so suayyy D: and trainin finally ended at 6.30pm (: off back home , and out of dinner with parents ! :D so long didnt have dinner with them outside alr x.x den , zhenghao called , "ehs jas , ur acc got kena suspended? blablablaa.. " and yes i did , my acc is kena banned -.- ! hais , i dunno what will happen to MM alr )): it will be very hard for me to manage to guild x.x ! well , shall end here bahs , cos not really in good mood x.x i dunno why my mood isnt that good nowadays D: CHEER UP JASMINE ! :D ![]() DeltaDoom aka gabriel bestiee rawks my lifee ! :D TODAY IS TOTAL DEFENCE DAY ! o; did u guys heard de siren ? ~.~ MOJOJOJO IS ATTACKING SINGAPORE !! OMGGGG ~.~ but luckily , thanks to the powerpuff girlfs ! :D we're all safeee :P went out with lesbie , jiehao and robin today (: went to lotsa place , first venue , yishun , robin fetch me to sembawang to find lesbie :X with his van . LOLL den , off to dhoby ghaut to find jiehao (: and straight to de chickie rice shop that i often went dere with lesbie . the rice there is not bad (: and a good thing is , there are lotsa toys there for u to play :X after our lunch , we got nothing to do ): so went to walk around the whole plaza sing , tryin to kill time x.x and off to arcade for awhile :o okays , time passes really slow x.x then , lesbie suggested , "let's go amk to play swing ! " okays , we all went tgt , and we play less than 5mins , gone alr . LOLL ! (cos alot of xmm looking at me , giving me a stupid look , like wanting me to let them play . LOLL) . went to mac for de double chocolate . omgg , i simply love it lahs ! :o its really dam nice . slack dere for awhile and bendan called , ask me go vivo with me to buy shoes :o of cos , i went (: heees ! [x bid goodbye to lesbiee , jiehao and robin , and off to mrt station to find bendan :D his friend tag along too (: and you noe what ? i just found out that his fren is 21y/o . which is tot he was 18y/o all along . zzz ! at first when they tell me , i still , "orhhh.." and nod my head only . then i think nicely ," WTF ?! 21?!?! " lolls , was really fking shock lahs ~.~ cos he really dun look like one . Okays, outa topic :X went to harbourfront centre to have our dinner at yoshi (: laugh like one hell agn ~.~ ! they keep saying me W-O-L-S . at first , i keep thinking , "uhs ? what W-O-L-S ?" till de very very end , i just found out that , W-O-L-S = SLOW . gaaahs ! )x Finally , trained back home (: was kinda scare that i will take de same train as mummy ~.~ cos mummy oways took de mrt at around the same time :o cos she just end her work at 10pm ~.~ but luckily , she's not :D *phewwww* ! slacked awhile , took photos :X but dun look nice ! x.x im too ugly alrr :o well , i guess next time baa ? :D at night take will have ahpiaoo ~.~ so scaryyy ! T___T BYEEES ! (:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
![]() my beloved chars ♥ ! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY ! :D woke up 9am plus today :o online maple , wanted to chiong maple today (: , when i was about to topup my cash , i realise my wallet is gone ! DDD: ahdots ~.~ ytd hp gone , now water gone ): but i got a feeling that i lost it at home -.- suppose to go out with jiehao , in de end bendan called , and ask me out @_@ of cos , bendan first prior . [x but i was really really tired ~.~ so i went to mojoland first :o and back to earth at 3.20 x.x and finally met up with bendan at yishun at 6pm (: and off to town ! :D my ez-link card gone tgt with my wallet T__T so mafan D: finally reached town , walk and walk and walk . LOLL ~ but walking with him is kinda fun ((: but i feel so awkward whenever ppl keep asking him to buy roses or etc for me . zz "sir , u wan to buy roses for ur girlfriend ? she is so pretty (she really said that). " aiks , just feel so ... weird ? LOL , im not even his stead :X okays , skipskipskip ~~~ ~~ ~ ! walked to plaza sing to meet up with his uncle , cousin and fren . feel so left out at first :o (cos i dunno them at all -.- ) in de end we're all playing and laughing tgt . LOLL ! his uncle is so humorous . had wanton mee for dinner :o LOLLL , keep laughing like hell ~.~ after that , something really funny happen . his uncle kena birdshit . LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL !! SO SUAY LAHHS ! :x skipskipskip ~~ ~ .. bid goodbye to his uncle , friend and cousin , and off back to sk with bendan (: bid goodbye to him , and met jh at 11.30pm @_@ and finally home sweet home at 12.30 :D okays , i cut short de post by alot . LOLL ! so lazy to post everything out ~.~ ! BYEBYES ! (:
Friday, February 13, 2009
![]() Took this ss secretly.. :X shhh ! *finger on lips* . Today is Appreciation day ! :D and V.Day eve :X LOLL . dun have enuff sleep today again ~.~ slept at 3am++ last night , busy making cards , cutting hearts and etc , gave out presents to all of my beloved ones , and i hope they like it (: sorry , its not really a very expensive stuffs ~.~ but i spent lotsa time choosing de bags , making de cards and etc ): esp de card ! every card is diff ! :X de size of de card , and de heart shape :X cos i cut them one-by-one . and i hate cutting hearts -.- keep going out of shape ! )): and thanks for the gifts ! :D woops , outa topic :X had fire drill today -.- and the weather is so hot ! D: i feel that im a roasted pig alr :o sku finally ended at 12.30 (: quickly rushed home to have my bath , and off to meet lesbie , qooing and gui at dhoby :D of cos , met up with girlfee first :P saw libin and jolynn at sk mrt , so we trained tgt [: finally reached dhoby , bid goodbye to them (: stupid gui , is blurdy lost -.- he made me walk from one 7-11 to de other 7-11 for like around 4times ?! -.- zzz ! in de end he's at red line !!!! x.x i really wanna @#$@$%@ him that time . zzzz well , whatever . zz at least he's better than fat . he was suppose to come , but in de end , he's sleeping . -.- sucha fatfat pig ): off to sakae buffet , and it was so terribly full . i swear i ate lotsa plates -.- ! and qooing is wasting money . he ate like 5plates of sushi , and he's full alr . zzz ! i think i ate 6times more than him ? :X HAHAHAH ! jasmine is so superrr :P ! blablablablablaa ! skip ! skip ! skip ! @ ! @ ! @ ! Went to vivo to buy my socks (: and met smallgun . he look like dickson from farr :o den lesbie's fren came too @_@ bid goodbye to qooing and smallgun , and off to toilet :X and something happen , i lost my phone ! omgggg ! DDD: ! i came outa my cubical , and i left my phone inside . -.- den i went back to find , there is someone inside . and she's hiding and dowan to come out . so , me , lesbie and girlfee , gehgeh walk away . then , she immediately came outa de cubical . zzz ! i asked her , "excuse me , did u see a phone inside this cubical ?" de auntie replied , " sorry , i did not . " i continue and asked , " but im very sure its inside , u must have took it or something , can i bagcheck you ? " the auntie den reply , "noo ! *big reaction , holding onto her bag tightly* , u got no rights to bagcheck me . " i said calmly , " owhs , alrights , then i've to make a police report , please come with us . " den , suddenly , *hold on her tummy* "waaa ! tummy ache , i nid the toilet . excuse me ." what a nice excuse ? -.- then u noe what ? x.x she came outa de cubical , and den asked me , "you got what prove that this phone is urs ?" den i said lotsa things . and she took my phone out from her bag , and return it back to me . zzz ! and she said "actually , im testing you only .. im not afraid of police... " and etc . -.- what a crap ? i should call the police immediately that time . ): gaaahs , totally ruined my dayy -.- ! DD: ! but luckily she return it , i guess she's scare of police baa ? [x went to giant to buy my toothpaste -.- and back to sk (: and woohoo ! :D i made a new fren today :P and he's name is jiehao . NICE TO MEET YOUUU ! [x okays , im going to collaspe alr ~.~ BYEES ! *off to mojoland ! (:*
Thursday, February 12, 2009
![]() F1 ; F2 ; F3 ; F4 ; F5 ; F6 ; F7 ! :D MM PBT ! ♥ a long long day today again . just reached home -.-reached home at 9pm+ almost everyday . and im really exhausted . x.x went to little india for art research today (: and i tot i will reach sku by 4.30pm , but by de time we reached sku , its alr 6pm+ x.x ! and one thing , little india is very stink ! and i regretted having my lunch there :X cos its very 'tasty' , and 'cheap' . can i have a refund ? ): well , camera went outa battery half-way -.- and my hp camera is SPOILT . zzzz , life sux w/o a camera ~.~ ! met lesbiee at compass , then off to shop for my presents (: v.day is coming real soon ! and i bought lotsa stuffs for everyone (: spent 40$+ today and im officially broke . gaaahs , i nid a job x.x i nid more moneh to spent ): i'll go bankrupt ! D: and i'll be going sakae tomorrow -.- omgg ! ): go ware dig moneyy ?? and yeaa , i nid to have a good good rest ): my brain is faulty alr ~.~ and i feels that , there live a tiny winy monster in my throat ! ): that keeps on punchin me . x.x causing me in pain ! :o aww ! someone help me pleaseee ! ~ haaas , i think i should have a good rest on this saturday , since its a finally day with no sku , no outing (: but i was still thinking if i should go for de x-country trainin ): its so earlyy , and im still sleeping . aiks , imma joinin lion dance ! [x WOOHOOO ! :o and i bet that , its gonna be really reaaalllyyy funnn ! :P but , i think it will be tough tooo ... x.x haaaas . rubbish :o i dunno things that u said if its true , i dunno how to believe you when you dun ans my qns . i dunno who is lying or who is telling de truth . im sick and tired alr , can u tell me de truth ? i won's be mad , i swear . but , why is that so ? why u have to lie to me if that's so ? aiks , lotsa question marks just start flying around my head ~.~ am i thinking too much ? am i too sensitive ? am i bad for not trusting you ? haiissss ~ ~ ~ ~ *sigh..* tellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellmetellme . im going to mojoland soon , to search for my answers . i hope it helps . i hope time might help . i hope care and concern from frens might help . :o ihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihopeihope . HAHAHHA , goodbye -.-
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
![]() ![]() ihatemoodswingihatemoodswingihatemoodswing! So horrible luhs ! ): and i got a serious attitude problem today -.- what's wrong with me manzxzxzx ? badd mood today in school -.- plus im dam tired , cos i slept at 3am+ last night , just to finish all my homeworks , can u imagine that ? x.x so hard working . [x and i feel that im dying alr -.- alrights , kinda hyper in de last lesson , which is english lesson . i so-called "transform" into a lil pink riding hood [x and im "flying" around de class with my pink cape . :o woohoo ! wa5 hor ! :X went kbox after sku , and im totally insane . ahahahas , so funn and crazy lahs (: had lotsa fun tgt with kristal , kuanyi , lichiun , yong thye , dickson and bryan . ahahas , me and kris went off at around 7 to had dinner with fat . so long nv meet him alr ~.~ so decided to find him . (although im going to meet him on this fri for sakae .) zzz , i was soo full till my tummy gonna burst . haaas , it will be really funny if it really burst :P alrights , full of craps -.- zz , time to save money alr , today is only 3/7 of a week , and i spent almost $200 in total alr . goshhh -.- maple rob moneh . Woohoo! , IM SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW ! :D cos im going to lil india to do some research for my art (: and im sure it gonna be reaaaalllyyyyy funnnnnnn .. went in to maple just now , i cried ~.~ well , as i said earlier on , im on a very foul mood today ): and suddenly , i noe things that are diff from what i've been told . i dunno who should i believe ): but im alr hurt , im suffering , ahahas . gaaaahs , why must life be so complicated ? x.x why cant i lead a very simple , peaceful and problem-free life like how i am in the past ? i dunno why , lotsa probs crawling into my head one-by-one unknowingly , or am i giving myself troubles ? ~.~ aiks , tell me what to doo ): hahahahahaha , i dunno what am i talking about -.- say no more . im going to have an early rest tonight , (: hope no one disturb me . sweetdreams .
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
![]() and ohya ! i made a new char ytd ! :D just received a msg from jiahong , and he told me , and alot of ppl asking me to go back , ahahahs !
![]() I GOT A PIMPLEEE ! @_@ And its exactly in de middle of my forehead -.- but i am proud to have it [x and im going around to show off my pimple , telling everyone how wonder it is :X Today is house meeting day :D cos we gonna choose our house captain and vice captain :o and my house is aquilaa ! :D and u noe what ? our house captain is SHAFIQ ! He busying sabo everyone , in de end he's de one kena . LOLL ! Had PE todayy , and we gotta run 2km ! keeeeeeeeeeeesiaooo . and all i did was walking :X walking around with my hello kitty water bottle :o and everyone is giving me a weird look ~.~ ! well , NVM ! ): Art was fun todayy , i made a chilli out of plastic x.x i dunno why i made that too :X Aiks , got lotsa course works . D: and im too busy for it . or rather , im a lazy person x.x Tired dayy todayy ): had lotsa mood swings , and im not really in good mood :o sorry to those ppl who i throw temper at . x.x sincere apologise ! *bowww* . and one last thing , i feels that , lesser and lesser ppl coming to my blog ): cos i dun see ppl tag anymoreee ~.~ ! ITS DEAD ! SO TAG PEOPLE TAG ! TAG PEOPLE TAG TAG TAG TAG TAGGG ! :DDD
Sunday, February 8, 2009
yeaps , im finally back to sg ! [x alrights , let me share with u all my fun and laughters during my msia trip :P 1st day . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After 3hrs of sitting on the same spot in de car , we've finally reached segamat , somewhere part of johor ! (: and everyone is busying preparing for de party at night , the adults busying with the arrangement and food , while de kids blowing balloons for decoration :D After hrs of preperation , finally its time to eat ! and all the guest had arrived , and the party started ! :D waaas ! ~.~ soo sooo crowded ! :o and suddenly , i heard de "bom-bom" sound , very very very loudlyyy ~.~ ! and i look up , omg ! fireworks ! :o very nice right ? (: finally , party ended at 11pm+ , bathe and off to mojoland ! :D 2nd day ![]() ![]() Woohooo ! :D woke up early in de morning , and off with my cousins to visit their sku ! [x they had a party in sku , and everyone can come in their homeclothes . when to walk around de whole sku , and i saw alot of girls , wear until like machiam wan to "fish" boys lidat . LOLL ! so exaggerate x.x wear to sku onlyy , oso not like you going to sing "ge-tai" :X okays , i got no right to comment :o den visit my cousin's class one-by-one , total got 4 of them :o and i went into one of this cousin's class . and i got very excited , LOLL ! and i started to jump for joyy :X and etc . ~.~ after im gone , everyone surround my cousin to ask who i am . LOL ! and they said im very daring , HAHAHAHA ! and one of her class mate , uses knife to point at me . zz ! so scaryy ! DD: but i noe he was joking (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() wash up and everything , off to drink happy wine , "he xi jiu " , weddin :D ahahas , the air-con there is soooo strong x.x and im freezing ! D: i feel that im turning into an ice-cube alr . zz food there was nice :D but got this girl , keep on pouring red wine onto my cup . -.- whn i alr said i dowan , u noe what she say ? "dowan nvm , leave it there can alr . " LOLL , my cousins say , she need earn commission , etcetc . i understand , so i helped her . LOLL ! and she keep refilling -.- *box her !* but of cos i didnt.. AHAHAHAS ! and my whole face turn redd @_@ P:s , im not tomato . (: <u>3rd day ![]() ![]() totally funfunfunfunfun ! I sat de roller-coaster , and i feel that im flyyingggg ! den de bumper car , superd duperd utrallyyyyy funn ! after that is de fairy-wheel , waaas ! ~.~ im floating in the air ! and lastly , de lorry-like machine , it goes round and round and round ! :P WAHAHAHAS ! (: Last Day And finally , last day of my trip ): back to singapore ! :D misses everything and everyone here :P Well , im tired alr x.x Tomorrow got ST ! :o omgggg , i nid calculator ! T__T AND YIPPEEES ! :D end sku at 11.30am tomorrow ! [x (But i dunno why oso.....) LOLL ! BYEEE-BI ! :D
Saturday, February 7, 2009
its me ! (: must be wondering why i can blog right ? [x im at my cousin's house now , ahahas . sobbs , i miss everyone in sg ! )): i wanna go backkk ... i miss bendan ; i miss girlfee ; i miss lesbiee ; i miss bestiee ; i miss pky meimei ; i miss everyone ! D: hope everyone is doing finee (: TML ! IM COMING BACK TML ! Yippeeeees ! (: Well , thats all for today , will update tml again :D and one sad thing , my hp camera is spoilt ! D: sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobs ! byee-bi ! T^T
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
![]() ![]() HELLOS ! :D A quick post todayy (: went out for mini outing todayy :D cos today is MM's 1mth old ! [x kinda funn , ahahas . :P gonna bid goodbye to all of youu ! [: i will be leaving singapore , to malayia tomorrow :o cos going there to bai nian ! :D gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ya ! gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ! :D yeapps , gonna miss all of youu ! (: especially all my beloved ones . Alrights , shall stop here todayy , see you guys 4days later ! ((: which is on the sunday :o GOODBYES ! :DD |